Aberdeen City Council

Angela Scott,
Chief Executive


Aberdeen City Council is leading an unprecedented period of city-wide transformation and we are seeking inspirational leaders to join us on that journey.

Our organisation delivers services to more than 114,000 households, 10,000 businesses and directly to a population in excess of 229,000.

We have 8,600 employees and their commitment, professionalism and expertise is critical to everything Aberdeen City Council does. There is great pride in the knowledge, expertise and experience we have within our teams and we are looking forward to adding to that talent pool.

Aberdeen City Council is fostering a culture that is appreciative of the contribution made by all of our staff. Central to how we improve as a council is the value we place on each and every individual and the work they do each week, indoors or out, across the city throughout the day and night. It is only through everyone’s efforts that we can ensure that the services we provide are the best they can be for the people we serve.

From the largest infrastructure roads project in Europe in the Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route to investment in affordable housing to building new schools to a £30m project to renovate our Art Gallery, Aberdeen is changing. However this massive programme of regeneration and renewal is not just limited to our services and infrastructure. There is a determined focus on developing our workforce and improving our use of resources to ensure we support the people of Aberdeen in a progressive and forward thinking way.

We are changing the way we do business and defining the culture of the organisation is imperative to this process as we embark on one of the most important periods in the history of the city. Underpinning all of this activity is a clear aim to improve the experiences of our customers and staff.

To help us achieve these ambitions, we are recruiting for three key posts. The vacancies, one at director level and two as heads of service, each provide an opportunity for the successful candidates to provide the policy and performance framework to shape transformation.

To assist you in your role, you will be supported by a strong corporate management team and will collaborate with the council’s elected members and other partner organisations to drive public services in a thriving, dynamic and cosmopolitan city.

The future of Aberdeen City Council is in our hands – join us in shaping that future and ensuring it is a positive one for all. I look forward to receiving your application.

Angela Scott