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Senior Research Fellow & Professor of Virology

About the Roslin Institute

The Roslin Institute is a world-leading centre for Pioneering Animal Bioscience and has a distinctive niche within the UK, supported strategically by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC). The Institute is home to > 670 people including ~ 65 Group Leaders and Career Track Fellows, other research and support staff, students and visitors and ~90 staff from Scotland’s Rural College. The Institute has a vibrant programme of postgraduate research, with 150 PhD students registered at the time of writing. Research at the Institute is organised across eight research divisions  (Translational Bioscience, Functional Genetics, Genome Biology, Quantitative Biology, Epidemiology Virology, Bacteriology, Immunology) and two Institute Strategic Programmes (BBSRC funded from 2023-2028) that integrate many disciplines (Genetics and Traits for Healthy Animals, Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases). Crosscutting themes in Clinical Sciences link research at the Institute to clinical activities in the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and support the research activities of clinical academic staff.

In a joint submission to the latest UK Research Excellence Framework exercise, Roslin’s research was considered within the joint submission of Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies (R(D)SVS) and Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC). This was ranked number one in the UK for agriculture, food and veterinary sciences by combining Times Higher Education’s ratings for each institution. The judgement, based on the quality and breadth of research, maintains the R(D)SVS and SRUC’s position as the strongest provider in these subject areas.

Roslin offers access to a wide range of Scientific Services including Proteomics and Metabolomics, Bio-imaging and Flow Cytometry, the National Avian Research Facility, Bioinformatics, the Aquaculture Genetics Research Facility and Large Animal Research and Imaging Facility.  It is also home to the Centre for Tropical Livestock Genetics and Health, primed by investment from the Gates Foundation and Department for International Development, aims to unlock the genetic potential of farmed animals by dissecting genotype-by-environment interactions to sustainably improve animal productivity in low- and middle-income countries.

The Institute’s income exceeds £30M p.a., around 50% of which derives from the BBSRC via strategic and competitive funding. This research is expedited by extensive interactions with industry, including via ongoing platform agreements with major animal breeding and pharmaceutical companies.The Institute holds a prestigious Athena SWAN Gold award in recognition of our commitment to advance the representation of women in science.

The institute is proud to be part of a wider national hub for Agritech, Aquaculture and Animal Bioscience within the Easter Bush Campus.   In partnership with the Roslin Innovation Centre and the Global Academy for Agriculture and Food Systems it aims to provide a campus which  integrates researchers, specialist facilities, entrepreneurs & companies to translate research for societal & economic impact.   It catalyses partnerships, job creation & regional development.  Through BBSRC & Innovate UK support for the research base it drives co-location & investment, as well as acting as a  key node of two Agri-Tech Centres. The campus leads on Agritech sector activity for the Edinburgh & SE Scotland City Deal funding for data-driven research, innovation & education to address global challenges.

Further details of the research conducted at the Institute can be found at https://www.ed.ac.uk/roslin and https://www.ed.ac.uk/roslin/people/virology

Wider interactions within the University can be found:
