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Board recruitment campaign

About us



A source of reassurance

Our values extend beyond money and investment. We build relationships and trust with our customers and share their motivations. We appreciate the challenges you can face as a social enterprise, particularly if it’s something you’ve never done before, so you will always find us patient and understanding.


A lasting impact

SIS is Scotland’s leading provider of affordable, flexible, repayable investment for social enterprises. Our mission is to connect capital with communities to make a real, measurable and sustainable impact upon people’s lives. Our vision is for an Impact Economy, and you can learn more about this here.


A creative solution

We approach every social enterprise investment and support offering in an imaginative, creative and responsive way. No forms to fill in: just tell us your plans. We also aim to be a helpful, supportive ally throughout and support you deal with any difficulties you encounter along the road.


An open book

We’re open and transparent, so feel free to take a look at our annual accounts and reports. You can also check out who we’re accredited with. We’re a living-wage employer and a member of Responsible Finance and we follow their Code of Practice.


We’re grateful for our ongoing partnership with the Scottish Government and their support in the development of several new initiatives.


Further information is available at https://www.socialinvestmentscotland.com/about/