News & Insights

POSTED Monday 04-01-21

New Year. New Look.

The eagle-eyed amongst you will notice that we have given our website and brand a little bit of a makeover.

Although we’ve been extremely busy filling leadership roles throughout the entire Covid19 pandemic, one of the things we agreed as a management team right back at the beginning, was to use any enforced downtime wisely and use any spare capacity to deal with those jobs that often get put off;  Website and brand development being an excellent case in point.

Having researched the market and scoped out the leading players within it, we put together a crack team of Brand & Marketing experts to lead us on our journey. So here is a shout out to the following people and companies:

  • David Reid of Because Brands Matter who led on Brand Positioning & Creative Strategy
  • David Wood of David Wood Creative who led on Website and Brand Design
  • Peakfifteen who led on Website Development
  • Heather Offord of One4Growth who continues to lead in Social & Digital Engagement.

We are really delighted with the look and feel of our new shop window which we hope both our candidates and clients will agree accurately reflects the professionalism, clarity and fresh modernity of Aspen’s service offering.